Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Toxic Words

One time, I got on a bus and sat near the back. A young girl sitting in the very back was talking loudly on her cell phone. Evidently her friend had upset her, and she was telling the person on the phone all about her friend’s misdeeds and questionable character with foul and aggressive words. The bus was silent, but it was clear that everyone felt uncomfortable. I had half a mind to tell her to stop poisoning our ears with her toxic language, but I got to my stop and got out.

Next time something like that happens, I’m tempted to just start singing happy songs. I can’t change another’s behavior, but if someone is intent upon spewing negative garbage for all to hear, I can try to counterbalance it with some brightness and light. At the very least, it might catch them off guard.

"You are my sunshine…"

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