Saturday, April 26, 2014

University Symphony

Tonight I went to watch a concert by the University Symphony Orchestra. My friend Caroline Wong was the soloist for a concerto and I wanted to go support her (spectacular job tonight, Caroline!) I loved going to the UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra concerts. I had several musically inclined friends back in Berkeley, and it was always a great time to listen to beautiful music and support my friends.
What I love about these amateur concerts is the chance to share in the deep love that the musicians have for the music. Most of these musicians aren't going to be professionals performing in orchestras after they graduate. They are students with papers, exams, other student organizations, and countless demands on their time. Yet they put those things aside to create music together. In a way, they invite the rest of the community to take a step back from the relentless tide of work to relish in beauty, mystery, and dreams. Orchestra and audience, we together create a moment of ordinary wonder.

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